Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ped Update

Well the pediatrician thinks he is doing well. He is 19 lbs (gained 1/2 lb in 2 weeks) and 29 inches? He is one pound away from being on the charts for his actual age, and in the 5th percentile for his height (yay on the charts!!). He is also on the charts for his head circumference (I think she said 10th percentile). He is delayed for development, but we know that and is the reason why we are working with PT/OT. Ashley (PT) is happy with his progress. He is making his goals all the time. He is almost pulling himself to stand, and we have to work on his "dismount" lol... basically teach him to sit on his butt when he is falling back from standing. He is a crazy, busy baby and so stinking cute if we do say so ourselves! I will try and get some video so that you can see. If you want to come and visit, just call us. Now is the time since RSV and Flu season is over!

1 comment:

Jayan said...

Hooray for being on the charts!! Precious little boy you have no idea how much you inspire us!!

Watch out my friend I think the little man will very mobile soon. :)

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