Saturday, June 06, 2009


It's been awhile. Mostly because things are uneventful.. that is so good for a change! We have had a good few months. Josh loved the Easter bunny... I think he thought he was a big stuffed animal.. he kept trying to go back. It was pretty funny!
He had been downgraded to mild chronic lung disease at his last pulmonary visit. She thinks he is crusing right along. We will continue to see her for awhile I am suspected to be sure that nothing crops up later.
At our next IEP eval the Physical Therapist is going to discharge him I think. She is a friend of ours and has stated more than once that there really isn't anything more she can do for him at the moment. He is meeting all of his milestones. We will get evaluated by the school system juset before he turns 3 but without IEP I am sure they are going to deny services. We'll have to see. I think he will just be in a regular pre-school setting which is more than we could have ever hoped for. Who would have thought 2 years ago that he would have come this far.... we are truly blessed and I am thankful every day!

So there you have it. There really isn't much going on. We have a child into the "terrible" two's but really, with all that he has been through a little obstinance isn't bad. He is really a good child most of the time, just inquisitive and getting truly brave and into everything. He knows what he likes and doesn't like and isn't afraid to let us know!

1 comment:

Jayan said...

I can't wait to hear about preschool!!! We are so proud of you Josh. Every milestone counts!!!

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