Friday, October 22, 2010

Preschool/Daycare update

So far it's been a great ride. I am being sarcastic here! After two days of daycare, Josh had a fever and cough. He missed the next week because of the fever and turns out it was bronchitis. Amoxicillin for 10 days. Goes back to daycare and by the following Saturday.. pneumonia. This was another antibiotic, breathing treatments and prednisone.

So, he is back in, for now, but if there is one more major illness we are probably going to pull him for the winter and try again. While I totally agree that I need to expose him to germs, I am not willing to deal with all of the major lung issues. Most kids get colds.. I could deal with that if it was just a cold. Seems all of Josh's go to his lungs (of course). Hopefully sometime in the near future, his lungs will get stronger and we won't have to deal with so much of this.

Monday night we went to the big March of Dimes fundraiser - The Signature Chef Auction. What a fun evening. Great food, great company (our friends went with us) and we also got to meet the next Ambassador Family for our walk. They are still not sure that they want to do it, but I think they are coming around! IF you ever get a chance to go, it's a really great evening and Marc (the MoD Director) is amazing. We love him!!

January we find out what is going on with the Subaortic Membrane in Josh's heart. The pulmonologist seems to think it's getting worse. I am hoping for the best and keeping my fingers crossed. She mentioned a cardiac catheter.. while this is better than open heart surgery, anything dealing with the heart scares me, so we will pray that it at least hasn't gotten worse. One of my big "issues" is that the pulmonologist can hear this, and if you listen with your ear you can hear the murmur. Yet any time Josh goes to the pedi, no one ever mentions this. Perhaps it's because it's in his chart and they know I know, but it just seems weird. And we saw a ped on-call who had never seen him, and he never mentioned it. Strange.

Well that's all for now. We'll of course update with Halloween pictures when the costume finally comes in. I am so glad that this year Josh is finally getting exciting about the holidays. This is the first year that he has really shown any interest in any of it so it should be fun!


kimberkara said...

My children caught every virus known to man while in their last daycare. You may want to look somewhere else. I have been to some where my daughter never got sick and then the last one was so bad that it convinced me to be a stay at home mom!

Dianna said...

Thanks Kimber. We don't really NEED daycare so I am just pulling him. We'll try again another time.

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