Friday, January 07, 2011

Cardiologist update

We went to see the cardiologist on Wednesday and so far so good. The subaortic membrane doesn't seem to have progressed any. The narrowing is "on the cusp" of moderate.. still mild but close to being called moderate. It's still a wait. They will see him in another year and see how it's progressing. At this point, it's just all waiting. Next visit if all is still well, I will find out what exactly this means for Josh for the remainder of his life... most likely yearly cardio visits - there is always the possibility of it progressing. We have to watch for warning signs.. fatigue, blueness anywhere, especially around the lips, unusual paleness the usual which in Josh's case, could be heart or lungs! So we wait and will update on this subject in another year!

This has been a really rough sickness season for us. Since we put Josh in daycare (and pulled him out 8 weeks later) he has had something pretty much constantly. Runny nose is the best of it. Croup and pneumonia is the worst. Off to the pedi today to find out if this is just a cold or something worse. I don't take him for everything and it's tough because I have to make that judgement call... is it bad enough to take him without being that mom who cries wolf every time. With his history I am sure no one would blame me for rushing in there every time he gets a cough, but I do usually wait to see how it progresses. When it's a Friday, I feel like I should do something because the weekends are tough to get in to see someone.. and what if it gets worse? Then if I don't take him right away and he gets sicker? See the dilemma? Anyway, that is my rant for today.

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