Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I'll of course have pictures later. Josh has some new words... he likes the big ones and they seem to be associated with food now that I think about it! 'delicious' is one and the last one that grammy taught him was 'scrumptious'! He likes to eat what he likes to eat. Any parent knows exactly what that means. Some days he likes it, and the next day he won't eat it. Still my carb freak...bread, pasta and loves his fruit which is good. He is still on the small side, but I have no worries there! His big brother is 6'1" at 15 so I think Josh is going to be just fine!

We went for a preschool visit last week to prepare for his PPT coming up next week. The teachers think that he is not going to qualify for any extra services. They won't know for sure until the PPT is done, but that is the preliminary evaluation. This is great news because it means that they don't think he is behind in any areas, but sucks because I was hoping to at least get him into preschool for a few days to get this boy some social skills. He is with grammy and grampy every day which is a great thing (I don't know what I would do without them!!) and he occasionally plays with his cousin and one of my MIL's sisters grandson's but never in a group. Although we wouldn't do anything until next April after flu and RSV season is over. We have a daycare program at work and I can see if I can get him in there a few times a week then.

This is the first year he hasn't gotten Synagis which is a good thing, he has a HUGE fear of doctors right now. Doctors on television make him cry poor little man. We are having a hard time getting the H1N1 shot, although he did get his seasonal. His ped has the flumyst version which Josh can't have because of his chronic lung disease. He must get the shot and with the limited production it's tough to get. My ped doesn't have a waiting list for those who are considered at risk, it's first come, first serve and I have to call every Friday to see if it came in. What a pain. But we will keep trying. I also called the pulmonologist to see if she had any. Nope, so we got on a list there. He is on lockdown now. We just don't want to take that chance. After the pneumonia/RSV he had in January, I really don't want to see him sick again. our hospital has put a visitation restriction on for anyone under the age of 18 or if you have flu symptoms. Some people are not that smart and will go out with the virus and infect everyone else. Hopefully this will die down eventually.

So that is our latest update. Nothing really new. Will post Halloween pics later. He is a puppy again because his costume still fits from last year( I hope!!). A friend from work made his this adorable trick or treat bag that looks like a milk-bone... LOVE it!

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