Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hi Everyone!

Well Christmas has come and gone. Josh was not at all interested in opening gifts. There were about 12 that didn't get opened on Christmas.. he opened a few of them after and then we did the rest because it was a chore to get him to do it. Perhaps next year he will be a little more interested!

Josh was denied Early Intervention Preschool.. yay!! Seems our boy is not behind as far as they can tell. That is due to a lot of hard work by my MIL.. she has a preschool teacher background and does work with him in many of the areas.. of course so do we at home. He is doing amazingly well considering all that was stacked against him!

He has to see a cardiologist this month. The pulmonologist has heard a murmur the last few times that we were there and just wants to get it checked out. It could be that his PDA never truly closed all the way... or it could just be nothing. I am not overly concerned at this point and we will just hear what the cardio doc has to say.

Everything else is good. Josh has an amazing vocabulary.. he loves to watch the DirectTV instructional channel... (they go over all of the controls for the remote control). I think he knows how to work it better than we do. I think he was fixing it... he loves fruit and not too fond of candy (thank goodness) and his only vice is Dunkin Donuts Munchkins... he is so-so about veggies.

He took a hammer to our big screen TV.. we are not thrilled but know that it wasn't on purpose.. boy do I miss HDTV!!

Hope you and yours had a very, merry whatever you celebrate!!

1 comment:

Jayan said...

(((the big screen))) How thrilled am I to hear that he didn't qualify for early intervention? Smarty Pants!! I'm so proud of you kiddo!!! I can't believe you'll be three next month!!!! We love you!!!

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