Sunday, February 28, 2010

No more bottle

Well we fnally took away the bottle. It was time. He is 3. But I know it was for comfort and that was the hard part for me. I was surprised. No tears. We told him they were all dirty. It's been a week and he still asks for it, but doesn't get upset when we don't give him one. Problem is, he has a REALLY tough time settling down for nap and bed time. The bottle was his "woobie".. security and comfort... and we haven't found anything to replace it. We are working on it... trying to find something else for comfort. It takes him more than an hour to settle down. So big boy bed and no bottle. In a few weeks we will hopefully start potty training. I don't want to make too many changes all at once though. The potty training, while important can wait a little bit if I feel that all of these changes at one time are too much. Transition is good!

All in all though, he is doing really well. He has a great memory and loves electronics He still watches the darned Direct TV channel. That boy can recite along with the commentator and probably knows more about how to operate the remote than I do! I am certainly not worried about his cognitive skills! He goes for his 3-year physical in a few weeks so we can see where he is on the growth charts. I am thinking still in the lower end. His cousin is in the upper end and boy they are worlds apart in size. Connor is like a foot taller and only 6 months older (Actual age). But we know he is going to catch up eventually. Small men do not run in either of our families.

If you haven't donated to the March of Dimes, please consider it. We know that our little man wouldn't be where he is without it.. and of course all of my other little preemie friends who I believe we will meet someday. They are always in my thoughts. I feel a part of their lives as I hope they feel they are a part of Joshua's.

I spoke about our journey at a March for Babies kickoff. I hope that we can inspire others to join the cause. It's always a difficult speech because I feel that our journey also includes Emilee... and talkinig about her always brings tears to my eyes. She would have been 4 this year.

Anyway, be true. Be real. Thanks for reading and being a part of our journey. We love you all!


Jayan said...

Big Boy Bed and NO BOTTLE! This is huge! Way to go Josh!!!!!

Niki said...

We got rid of bottles about a month ago too! She wasn't happy but I knew she was ready. Her "woobie" is her binky and I have pushed taking that from her just yet. I think I need it just as much as she does! Lol!

A big boy bed?? When did he get so big?


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