Before the cut
After the cut... not the best pic and the bangs look a little better when it's parted on the side LOL but you get the picture. I'll get a better one later.
Josh loved the fountain at the kiddie pool. We spent most of our time there.
It was a good time. We spent two days there. The teenagers took off on their own for most of the time. We rented a cabana which was a small room with a fridge so that we could put Josh's milk in there and have a place for him to nap.
Josh is still not walking but he is well on his way. Getting more brave every day, letting go but still hasn't taken any steps. He cruises around everything!
He is into self feeding these days. He hates it when we try and feed him now but there are still some things that we don't let him do himself... REALLY messy things. I did let him do pasta and sauce tonight... you can see the results! But he does love his food! We are so lucky that there are no feeding issues. Check out the curly hair! We haven't given him Prevacid in over a month and he seems to be fine without it. That means the only med he is taking now is Miralax. What a difference from when he came home from the hospital.
His latest is "hi baby". This is what I say to him when I come home in the evening. The first time he said it, Dave and I just looked at each other like "did he really say that?". Yes he did! I finally got it on video. Now it's "bye-bye" whenever someone is leaving, either the room or the house. I do have to say he is too cute but of course I am biased!
Well this is all I have for now. He has his 18 month checkup on Tuesday so we get a weight. I am hoping he has finally surpassed the 20 pound mark. He is so active these days, it's tough to keep the weight on. He sees the GI doctor the end of the month so I will update after those appointments.