Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My beating heart

I can't believe Josh is almost 3. 3 years ago I was on bedrest hoping for the best. Now look at him!

During the last few visits at the pulmonologist, she mentioned that she heard a heart murmur. This time she suggested we go and see a Cardiologist to be sure. So we saw yet another doctor.. Dr. Fahey (I have heard much about him and he is anther Yale doctor). So we saw him today. He took a listen and said that what he was hearing was not an "innocent" murmur... and he wanted to do an Echocardiogram which they did right there and he stood by and explained everything and what they were seeing. Well, turns out, Josh is still throwing us curveballs! He has what is called a subaortic membrane. It's better to read about it,so click on the link. Bottom line is that we are waiting to see what happens with it. It is not close to or covering the aortic valve or obstructing his blood flow.. so we are just watching and waiting. But it's yet another thing we have to think about. I am not worried, I am going to think positively. This child has beat the odds before and will again.

Other than this last bit of news Josh is doing great. Playing the Wii like a champ.. (Okay maybe not a champ but he did manage to erase all of our saved data). Watching him play sometimes is very frustrating as he doesn't like to finish one before he starts another. His sentences are getting much longer and his memory/retention is awesome. We are such a lucky family!

By the way, the March of Dimes Walk for Babies is now up and running. We are striving to be the #1 Family team again. so please help if you can Every little bit helps. Save your change for the next few months The money isn't due until the walk. Click on the March of Dimes "widget" on the side of our blog.

Love to you all!!

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