Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day 72

Gestational Age: 34 weeks 4 days
Weight: 2210 grams (up 140)
4 lbs 14 oz

Josh is still gaining fluid. They have stopped the lasix while he has the infection and this affects his breathing, so weaning him off the vent isn't going to happen any time soon. They did another transfusion today and found out that he also has a urinary tract infection so they have to add another antibiotic to the mix. He is still very lethargic and sick. Hopefully he starts to feel better soon. He fights the vent... I am sure it's very uncomfortable and makes him gag. This is the first time in a long time that we have had a setback and it sucks to see him so sick and not be able to hold him and comfort him. Right now, all he wants is to be left alone. With all of the weight gain, the poor boy has no neck... chin flows into chest! I just feel so bad... I want so much to be mommy right now, and I can't.


Anonymous said...

He'll be ok -just needs a few days of the antibiotics in his system. And even if you can't hold him, he knows when you are there. You can hold his little finger and talk to him. Babies know their Mamas. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Diana, our hearts go out to you. NO one can possibly know the ache in your heart and the worried you feel. All I can say is we think of you every single day, and we pray every single day for Josh to get well and go home. God will not forsake you. Trust in him.

love always,
Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

Every single day I pray for Joshua and for you all. He has come so far; he is a strong fighter! With everyones prayers, he will be feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Praying for your little man.

Anonymous said...

Oh Diana,I feel so bad for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Keep your chin up and think positive. Josh is in good hands, please take care of you!!! Just hold his little hand he knows his Mommy is there,
Linda Faraci

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