Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day 73

I am not going to post Josh's weight today. He gained another 7 oz or so overnight. The fluid gain is mostly caused by the infection and they are sure that he will lose most of it once the infection is taken care of. They switched his antibiotics today and also removed the broviac catheter, and gave him a dose of lasix. They did more cultures and the infection wasn't going away. They will give him nutrition through an IV line for a few days, and once the infection is clearing up, they will try to insert a PICC line instead of another broviac to better handle the amount of nutrition that he needs to be on. They are planning to do his surgery as soon as next week if the infection clears up. There are more reasons to get it done than not at this point, since delaying it, can cause other issues like infection and liver problems due to the IV nutrition. We will know more in a few days. They will leave him on the vent until after the surgery since they would have to put him on it anyway. He is still not himself and I hope that over the next few days, everything clears up and he is feeling better. Keep up the prayers.

Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you always. We pray that the infection clears up and his surgery is a complete success.

we love you,
Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for little Joshua and wishes him a speedy recovery from this set back. Our prayers are also for Joshua's family -

Peg and Bruce

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for Joshua's recovery and continue to pray that his infection clears up soon. Sometimes you need to take one step back in order to go two steps forward.

Love Donna and Ray

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it just takes the right combination of antibiotics to get rid of the infection. I'm amazed they want to do the surgery so soon, but that's very positive news. Lots of loves and prayers for Johs today. Stay tough little guy!
michele, doug and chance

Anonymous said...

Keeping your little guy in my prayers. Love to all of you! Alicia (Fl.)

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