Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Day 83

Gestational Age: 36 weeks 1 day

Josh is having a rough day. They did tell us that he may get sicker before he gets better but it doesn't make it any easier. The next 24-48 hours are probably going to be the worst.

He decided to extubate himself today. Unfortunately, he isn't breathing on his own yet and they pretty much had to resuscitate him. The fun part (if there can be a fun part to that), is that his hands have been in socks all day to prevent this sort of thing... he worked the vent out with his tongue. Definitely not a good start to his day. They are trying to manage his pain and are thinking about putting him on an oscillator vent... this is a shaky thing... his blood gas numbers are not good, and I guess this will help to get rid of the carbon dioxide. He got some platelets today and will probably get another transfusion. He was looking mostly comfortable when we left but we know there are going to be a few long days ahead for him and us.


Anonymous said...

Praying for your little man tonight.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for him in so much pain today but it will get less and less every dat love and prayers to everyone love mam

Anonymous said...

Oh no..poor guy.I know it was major surgery but I still was hoping that he'd be more comfortable after it and just resting.

Definitely saying some extra prayers for him tonight in hopes that he gets more comfortable and starts his healing process.


Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you even more over the next few days. We appreciate you taking the time to keep us all posted. We know you just want to fall into bed at night after visiting, especially after Joshua has a rough day. Try to keep up your strength and rest and let him know we're all in his corner.
All our love and prayers continue to come your way,
Fred, Kris, Tammy & Caeleigh Marie

Anonymous said...

Be strong little Josh!!!
Linda F

Anonymous said...

MOre and more prayers for Joshua. We're sorry he has to go through so much, as if he hasnt been through enough already. We are praying for a speedy recovery for him and hope his pain goes away quickly.

love, Dee & Jeff

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