Friday, May 18, 2007

Day 92

Gestational Age: 37 weeks 3 days
Weight: 2830 grams
6 lbs 3 oz

Josh had laser surgery on his eyes today. After the exam, the doctor called and said that he had significant changes and that doing the surgery now vs. waiting made the most sense. If we wait, and the ROP gets worse, it can cause the retina to detach and this can be irreversible. There is no guarantee that this will fix everything. There is a 20% chance that he may still have problems. We have vision problems on my side of the family so he may have some issues later anyway, not related to the ROP. They called after the surgery and said that he did well and was comfortable. They give him medicine to paralyze him during the surgery so that he doesn't move and pain meds during and after for any pain. They also keep his pupils dilated. The surgeon said that this helps relax the muscles and minimize the pain as well.

We don't get to see him tonight as they were doing another surgical procedure on a baby at his/her bedside and we wouldn't be allowed in until sometime after 6pm. We leave by 6:30 so it didn't make sense to drive up there just to turn around and leave. Other than the surgery he is much the same. They will try to extubate tomorrow depending on his blood gas results. Hopefully they will be fine and he will get rid of that darned tube. Josh needs to stop reading the preemie book. Hopefully the next chapter is "Going Home!".


Anonymous said...

We are glad to hear the surgery went well. Hopefully the last chapter in the book will be soon. Going home!!!

Spaulding Family

Anonymous said...

WE are so pleased that Josh's surgery went well. I hope all goes well and he continues to heal and grow with no other complications. Again, remember that each day that goes by brings him one day closer to going home. We want him to be nice and healthy when he packs his bags going homebound. : ) Love, Dee & Jeff

PinkSeaPrincess said...

awww... so awsome! soon guys so soon!! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

I just saw the link to this site! I'm sorry i didn't see it sooner. I feel so bad. And me sometimes wondering how he was. I'll catch up when my little one takes another nap.
Love always,

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the next chapter in Joshua's life is titled "Going Home". We are very happy to hear that the laser surgery went great and to think that not too long ago, this procedure didn't even exist. Thank goodness for modern medicine and the wonderful team of doctors taking care of Joshua!

Donna and Ray

Birthday Ticker

