Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 88

Gestational Age: 36 weeks 6 days

Josh is doing so-so today. They gave him lasix and he finally lost much of the fluid weight, but in doing so, his potassium was really low so they gave him some extra to get that up along with the extra that was in his TPN. Low potassium can cause other issues, one of which is constipation/no bowel movement so they want to get this up. They had started some gavage feeds today, but stopped them until they get the potassium up. They will probably start them again tomorrow. His back is much better and he seems to be getting pissed off at the vent so this means he is feeling better. We were told that he is probably going to have reflux issues and that this is normal for a preemie and for having the surgery.


Anonymous said...

I had to look up Gavage feedings..which is a feeding tube either placed in the nose or the mouth and into the stomach (in case others wonder too!).

I'm glad he lost that fluid. Thank God. And I'm sure the feedings will start back up again soon. The chronic reflux is something even full term babies can have. Eventually they can outgrow it as their systems mature.

On a whole this little guy has been performing heroic feats every day. He's truly a tough fighting Irish man. Good boy!

Anonymous said...

Bless his little heart! He must be so tired of it all. He just wants to be home with his family and hanging out in one of his comfy seats!! Keep up the good work little Josh.You can do it!!
Linda F

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