Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 84

Gestational Age: 36 weeks 2 days

Josh is doing better in some ways and worse in others. He is breathing better. I think the threat of the oscillator made him want to behave. They have decreased his vent settings and he is doing fairly well. He really has blown up like a balloon. Because of the fluid gain, the skin on his back is breaking down and he has some splitting of the skin there. They are trying to rotate him on his sides to alleviate pressure on his back and let that area heal. He looks like he went a few rounds with [insert any famous boxer name here] . Picture at the bottom. Brace yourselves. This is not the adorable little man that we put up here a few days ago. Dr. McKee, his surgeon is pleased with his progress so far. The fluid gain is not unreasonable and less than she thought. She thinks by Monday they will do a contrast study to make sure that everything is healing well before they start feeds. They finally were able to manage his pain at about 10pm last night. They started a morphine drip vs giving him a dose every 3 hours and he is much more comfortable and able to be still and heal like he needs to do. So that is all for today. Dave and I both feel better today and think that although he looks like hell, he is on the road to recovery.


Anonymous said...

Bless his little heart!! Sleep tight little boy and get strong. Soon you will be all better and going home with your mommy and daddy.

Many many prayers for all of you tonite and always.

Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

We will deffiantely pump up the prayer line here in Florida for you!! I believe I have him on the prayer list at a friends church if not it will be done first thing in the morning...

Spaulding Family

Anonymous said...

Praying that each day you get better. Hang in there Harrington Family.

God Bless-


Anonymous said...

The poor little guy... my feet swell and I can't stand it I can't imagine what he's going through..its breaking my heart, his poor back.

I'm glad that the docs say he's within the range of normal and expected for his recouperation though. Not that its easy but it will get better.

Lots of love for my little guy tonight.
Michele, Doug and Chance (and Christien...we finally decided on the name for sure.... Joshua's new-best-friend-to-be)

Anonymous said...

Poor little Josh! Be strong little baby, My prayers are with you. I saw your mommy today and gave her a big hug.....she and daddy love you very much. I hope you feel better soon. You are such a cute little guy!!
Hugs to you,
Linda F

Birthday Ticker

