Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 120 - 4 months old today

SOMEONE who shall remain nameless, pleaded for an update... LOL. So here you go.

The plan is still for Sunday's homecoming. Things are going well except for the poor weight gain which is still a minor problem.... he is eating well, just not gaining like he should. Perhaps once he gets home in a normal environment, this will change... we'll see. His bilirubin has gone down considerably,so they took him off the two meds for his liver. They are doing his electrolytes again today (sodium, potassium, chloride and C02) to see what his sodium and potassium are doing. They were getting low the last time and they may need to put him back on those meds because of the diuretics. Low sodium can restrict weight gain as well. Oxygen got here yesterday so we are all set with that. There is a lot for the hospital to set up before he comes home, but I think we almost have it all done.

He gets his 4 month old immunizations today. It is good to get those over with while he is still there! He should be done being cranky by the time he comes home. We will let you know for sure on Sunday if he comes home! Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

You're funny Dianna! Thanks for the udpate!

This "nameless" person is just so anxiously looking forward to Joshua coming home it's all I can think of lately! :) As I'm sure it is with you two too!

Keep us all posted..and wonderful news about the liver meds not being needed now.


Anonymous said...

lol....I knew who the nameless person was as soon as I read the blog...loloolololol

Great news!!!! Keeping our fingers crossed for this fathers day homecoming.

Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...


I've been following Joshua's progress and I am SO happy for you and your family! What a great Father's Day gift!

Karen Bourque

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers day, Dave

Birthday Ticker

