Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Home Day 3

Wow, we have been home for 3 days and two nights. I finally got more sleep last night. I am adjusting to his grunts and groans and the stupid monitor going off when he moves (It loses connection and alarms). He decided that 5am was awake time this morning, so for a few hours, we had to amuse each other while Dave got some much needed Z's. He took the 7am feeding so that I could get some sleep too. Since we have him in our room for now, it gets a little claustrophobic. It's not like we can't take him out, it's just a pain to move the oximeter. The oxygen tubing is plenty long enough to get around the whole house, the monitor has a fairly short cable so we have to move it along with him, and is more of a bother than anything. Dave is taking some daddy time so that I could take a break and check my mail! We will continue to blog when we can. Seems Dave has taken over for me!

His pediatrician seems to think that he is doing really well and said that yesterday his lungs sounded clear. No telling what the pulmonologist (lung doctor) will say when we see her. Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

I am sooo happy for you guys!!! What a wonderful thing to finally have him home.


Anonymous said...

Now just like every new mom you'll be sleeping with 'one eye open'!!

Good news from the pediatrician too. How often does he need to see the that doc?


Anonymous said...

Joshua David... Our NICU Journey

Is it time to re-name the blog?

Joshua David... Our Sleepless Journey


Joshua David... Day of a Thousand Nights

(sounds like good contest material)

--- Anon

PinkSeaPrincess said...

I know I've missed alot recently but CONGRATS!! love to you guys!!


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