Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home - Day 10

We have had the onslaught of doctors appointments. Getting out the door takes me about 30 minutes with remembering everything that has to be attached! So let's see what has been going on.... Last week we saw the eye doctor again. There is a little concern with one of his eyes.. there is a little area of scar tissue that is pulling on the retina. She is hoping that it will resolve itself, but we are going to see her again next week so that she can keep an eye on it. There has been no discussion as to what may happen if this doesn't resolve. I forget to ask those things while we are there or perhaps I am just afraid of the answer. I will believe that it's going to resolve and we won't have to worry about that.
We saw the pulmonologist on Monday. This was also the day that Josh's reflux was acting up really bad... he had refused to eat all morning, arching his back, screaming, it was terrible! She prescribed Zantac and Reglan (Reglan empties out his stomach quicker and the Zantac is for the acid). He is feeling much better now and eating like a champ. Anyway, she is pleased with his progress but he still needs to be on the oxygen for awhile. She is also taking care of the jaundice issues. she wanted him back on the vitamins for this so 3 meds were just added for a total of 6. I have to have a chart to remember what meds he gets when! Luckily he sucks those right down in about 10cc's of breastmilk. The taste must not be that bad, or he is just tolerating them well!

Tuesday we saw his pediatrician. He still hasn't gained weight, however, they think now that the reflux is taken care of, he may start gaining. I see then in two weeks and the visiting nurses will be weighing him here at the house.

Today was his hearing test. One of his ears is great and the other is questionable. The hearing test itself is pretty cool. They want the baby asleep... they attach electrodes to his head and ears and measure the brainwaves with certain tones. They think it may just be fluid or a blockage in one ear, so we are off next week to yet another pedi specialist (Ear, Nose and Throat) to evaluate that. Next week is another three doctors, two in New Haven and one in Madison. I like the ones that are closer (some are in New London which is a decent drive). So there you have it. The latest update. Above are some pictures that Chele took. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are sorting themselves out. He is adorable!!! I was starting to wonder how the little guy blog for 10 days...I guess I was having withdrawal!! Hope the Zantac and Reglan help him with the reflux. Is he feeding from the breast yet? If not, maybe in time, at least he has the "good juice" to drink!!! It's the best you know!! Keep up the good work Josh. So glad you are home.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby!! I wish you all the best. Joshua- you keep up the good work! You are doing Great!!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of your handsome little man. You'll be surprised at how well the Reglan and Zantac work. We got Caeleigh off of them in about 8 months. I was having withdrawals and checking the blog every night, but it's definitely forgivable that you were spending precious time with your new bundle instead of blogging for us. All our love to you,
Fred, Kris, Tam & Cael

Anonymous said...

WOW! It seems like alot. I am glad you are all home. but you seem so busy. I think of all of you often. Josh is so cute he has come a long way ands he has great parents that are right by his side. Keep up all the good work.
Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I cant tell you how happy we are for all of you, especially Josh. He has gone through so much physically and Im sure emotionally. It is heartwarming to say the least to see him in his mommy and daddys arms. He looks so so comforted. I know he is so happy to be home with mommy and daddy. God bless all of youk, we continue to remember all of you in our prayers.
Dee & Jeff

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