Monday, February 19, 2007

Discharge day for Mommy

I got to go home today. It's bittersweet as I have to leave Josh there. I went to see him just before it was time to come home. He is doing better today.

He is 1 lb 5 oz, so he has gained a few ounces since yesterday. That is good news. They decided to take him off the vent and see how he tolerates it. They will maintain his breathing with a CPAP. If he doesn't do well then they will put the tube back in, but they would rather try and see what happens then wait.

They were going to try and start feeding him today, but the nurse said that there was a little irritation in his belly, so they are going to wait on that, probably tomorrow. They will feed him via a feeding tube, and start out with about 1 cc of half strength breast milk and see how he tolerates it. He is getting caffeine daily. This stimulates his system to breathe. We all joke about getting our caffeine infusion in the AM.. Josh is getting his!

All in all, today seems like a better day. One day at a time is how we all have to take it. They did say that in a few days we could start kangaroo care. I can't wait for that. I think one of the hardest parts of all of this, is not being able to hold him. This will give all of us time to bond.

I am still a bit emotional, but that too will pass. I guess with everything that has happened I can't be strong all the time, and I have to stop expecting myself to be.

Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and prayers. We really do appreciate them all.


Anonymous said...

Hi from Tim-maY.Well I finally have been able to get to read my e-mail here. I am so glad to hear things are going well. And a big congrats to the Harrington clan. I know there is a long road ahead till Joshua comes home, but with 2 loving parents and a great big brother waiting for that day it will fly by. and look at the great support staff you have, you know we will all be around to help out with whatever you guys need....

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Joshua is in great hands and it's nice to know that you have such loving and caring Dr's and nurses surrounding him with the utmost care. I pray that there is nothing but progression for lil Joshua and YOU! Stay strong, but let the water works flow if you need to. 25 years ago my niece was born at 1lb, 6oz and today she has a new baby boy of her own. Thoughts and prayers to all of you.
Missy in Cali...

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