Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday PM - Day 3

Post partum depression sucks!

Joshua has had a traumatic day... or maybe it's just mommy who has. Dave and I went over this afternoon and the nurse said that he had been having some blood pressure issues today. It had been running a little high and his poor little toes were turning blue (he had this issue right after he was born too). So they decided to take out the umbilical line. Dave watched, I couldn't. They had a hard time getting it to stop bleeding. This line was giving him IV fluids and they were using it for blood draws. He will have to have heel sticks now and they are going to insert a PICC line later on this evening. He had his first transfusion last night and they started the hyperalimentation.. this is all his nutrition rolled into an IV solution.. fats, protein,carbohydrates, electrolytes, etc. So seems his day hasn't been going so well. Lots of pokes and needles and changes. I hope tomorrow is better. The PA did say that they would discuss feeding tomorrow.. he will get a small amount of diluted breast milk if they decide he is ready for it. I believe they still keep him on the IV solution as well until he has gained weight. I hope the weight starts coming on soon. He can't afford to lose any more. The good thing is, they said we couldn't start Kangaroo care until the umbilical line was out. Now that it is, if he is stable, we can start holding him. This will be good for all of us.

I went over after I put the last pumped bottle in the freezer, and they had his little area all blocked off. I am not going to panic and just assume that they were inserting the PICC line. They said it was done like a surgical procedure. I may check in on him in a few hours when I pump again.

On Tuesday, they will do the scan of the vessels in his head and see what is going on there. Hopefully that will be good news.


FibroMom said...

Hi Dianna,
I'm sorry today hasn't gone as well. Hopefully once this PICC line is in, things will begin to go better again for Joshua and for you. Hang in there! It sounds like you have a good healthcare team working with you on this.


Anonymous said...

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

"A baby is God's opinion that life should go on." - Carl Sandburg

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Dianna-
A good cry is a great way to release stress (which must be high)and a great way to renew some energy to celebrate the gains that
Joshua is making.

I bet you can't wait to hold him in your arms and feel his strong heart beating.

Keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,


Frannie and Bud said...

Hi Sweetie... the hormones come with the territory! I'm so glad that you are writing about how you feel.

Focus on all of the positive energy in the universe and bring it into your and Joshua's environment. He is very sensitive to that good energy as he's so new. I'm sending you both lots of love and positive energy! Hugs...

Anonymous said...

Hi to all,
Stay strong guys and take each
day as it comes. Everyday is a milestone in Joshua's fight. Dianna,I'm here for you as I have already walked in your shoes.
Much love 2 you and your family.
Luv, Tina :o)

Birthday Ticker

