Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A new picture. This is Joshua with his new CPAP. I was at first appalled at the pink hat but they tell me that is the only color they have in his size. The CPAP is attached to the cap so we can't exchange it for a more manly color. I guess he needs to be comfortable with his masculinity!

Joshua didn't have such a good day today. All last night and today, he was having what they call A/B episodes. This is Apnea/ Bradycardia and means that his breathing is stopping for 15-20 seconds and in that time his heart rate is also dropping. These episodes have been frequent so they did blood work to see what was going on. His White Blood Cell Count is high indicating an infection. They did blood cultures also, but are not waiting for those results, they are starting 2 new antibiotics (Vancomycin and one other I can't remember) to try and get rid of whatever it is he has, along with the antibiotic that they have him on for the infection in his lungs. His glucose (sugar) has been high today as well because his body is stressing over the sepsis (infection). Hopefully between the two antibiotics he will be back to his old self. He was not as feisty today, most likely because he isn't feeling well. He is still on the CPAP but if the episodes continue they are going to have to intubate him again and get him on the vent so that he doesn't have to work so hard.

His head ultrasound was negative which is a good thing. This means that he doesn't have any bleeds in his brain. They will do another one either Friday or Monday to make sure that he is still good with that.

We hope tomorrow is a better day.

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