Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 12

Josh is still doing good today. He no longer has an order for the blood pressure medication, it's been stable. He is being weaned off the morphine (he has been on it every 4 hours, they are switching to every 6). The doctor is talking about starting to try and feed him through the stoma sometime in the next 2-5 days, this is good news. They are going to knock down his settings on the vent and eventually try and get him extubated and onto a different kind of breathing apparatus (I have to look up what the doctor told me). All in all, very good news. He is starting to open his eyes. I am predicting in the next few days, he will have them open completely. Of course, there will be pictures once that happens. The ultrasound of his head was once again negative, no bleeds, another thing to be thankful for. They will do another one in 4-6 weeks to rule out something to do with the white matter (something else I need to look up!).

Keep up the prayers! We love you all.

Just an addendum: the next breathing step is a SNIP (Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure). One of the doctors said that they were not going to do a CPAP next because of the air in the belly, but this weeks attending says this is what they do and that this SNIP causes more air in the belly and he will have to have a tube in his belly to get rid of it.


Anonymous said...

We are all so glad to hear the little guy is doing so well..All our love and Prayers are with you all...Penny,Zack,Ma

Anonymous said...

God bless him- Great news!!! Tell him I'm going to buy him some Mickey Ears for doing so good!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are looking better. He's a real fighter. Prayers are still headed your way.

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! Been thinking about you all -ALL day, hoping and praying for good news tonight! So glad he is doing well.! Maria

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it all! I think the term for the breathing machine you were looking for is an "oscillator". That is the "big dude", then it goes down to a "CPAP", then the "nose canula". I have been reading your "blog" after I read your post on the 35+ board. I know you probably haven't had time to read the posts over there, can't imagine why. Anyway, I am the mommy of a 24 weeker and I HAVE been there. You sound just about as stubborn as I was going through this whole process (or is that just as STRONG!) Anyway, I'm 42 and lost one at 16 1/2 weeks for the exact same reason I went into pre-term labor with my 24 weeker. Please do e-mail if you get a chance, karabbey@charter.net, you do need someone to talk to other then relatives, NICU staff, hubby (not that they're not supportive, just maybe I can help with a few questions). You have all been in my prayers since I read your first post (actually since you went into the hospital and thought you might have an early birth). Kinda feel like you were "cheated" out of a full pregnancy, I know, felt the same way! Dianna, please e-mail me, I'd love to chat! Debbie

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good news.. Joshua is a little fighter....and the angels are helping him through this. Our prayers are still with all of you...

You go little joshua.....we love you.

Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

What great news!! Our thoughts are with you !!


Courtney, Dave, Emme, and Jack :)

Anonymous said...

very great news he is a true warrior and i am so happy he is doing much better all my prayers and love charlie

Anonymous said...

Great news to hear. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for teh little Lad..

Anonymous said...

Hi Dianna- I have been reading your blog everyday. Your story has made me think about both of mine. Justin and I were looking at Josh's pictures which of course led to his baby book. One day you will be having that same conversation with Josh. He will find it hard to believe that he was ever that small. First of all, congratulations on your new little boy. Too bad he was so anxious to come out and greet the world. It sounds like you have gone through practically every premie complication in just 12 very long days, but he has made it through them. I am so glad that Josh's ultrasounds are looking good. You are getting quite an education on premie motherhood and he is in a great place. Yale and UCONN are both wonderful. The nurses have to be saints. Somehow they never get tired of answering and explaining the same thing over and over again. They also understand what to do for crying moms which is a good thing, but the best source of support you will find is another mom. If you would like to chat give me a call. Yale also has a support group called PATH. There should be newsletters around the NICU. Make sure you try to get some rest. Easier said than done I know. My prayers are with you and your family.
Take care- Sue Nixon

Jenny said...

Once he opens his eyes and sees his sweet Mama and Daddy he will fight harder to keep growing :)

A good day!

Thinking of you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz, I have been praying for your little fella, and all of you as well. Just remember what tough/stubborn stock that little guy comes from (remember my mother?) Let me know what kind of foods you like and/or do not like, I will be hitting the kitchen this weekend for you guys. Love ya, Cuzin-Betty

Anonymous said...

Dave & Dianne,
What great news. I'm sure by the time Josh goes home you both will be an M.D. It sounds like there are other mom's out there who went through what you all are going through and are eager to help. It's amazing how God will never leave us in difficult times. Don't forget to get some rest. Love Kim

Anonymous said...

Great News - We are praying he keeps up the great fight -


Peg and Bruce

Birthday Ticker

