Thursday, March 08, 2007

3 weeks today

Gestational age: 27 weeks 2 days
Weight: 780 grams
1 lb. 11 oz.

Josh is 3 weeks old today. He is still getting desats, and had a few bradycardia episodes today, but the doctor isn't concerned, he pretty much expects it at this stage. They gave him some Lasix tonight. This is a diuretic to get rid of some excess fluid. I thought yesterday that his face looked a bit swollen but no one seemed concered while I was there. The doctor said that sometimes on the breathing apparatus, they can get extra fluid and lots of preemies are on Lasix. He is tolerating the feeds well. They haven't increased the amount. Still a half cc per hour. He now has a colostomy bag on. If they get too much stool, they will know that it's not absorbing into the intestine. So far, they haven't gotten a lot which is a good thing. The doctor said that there is no evidence of any other perforations at this time. Josh was moved to an "overflow" room for a bit. It's really small, with just him and one other baby. They said they needed room in the big NICU and there were sicker babies that needed attention. That is great to hear!! His Attending this week says that he is an overachiever.... he is doing better than they would expect for a 24 weeker at 3 weeks. We like to hear that too. I did get to hold him for a bit today but not K-care. There isn't enough space in the little room for the recliner. He cried when I put him back! It's such a cute little cry but it breaks my heart whenever I hear it. The nurse said it's good for him to cry, it makes his lungs work better. So I leave you with a few pictures. The one with the lamb was taken yesterday. Dave told me not to take the picture because it looked like the lamb was.. um.... having relations lol... I put him that way because it has a little weight, and feels like my hand on his back... we tried to move the lamb sideways and he didn't like it, so I put it back that way. Someday we can blackmail him and show this to girlfriends lol....

This is where his cheeks look swollen.

No more pictures, Mom!


Anonymous said...

Take the time to review what you've written in the last three weeks and I think you'll be surprised. Real progress!

Interesting. I can tell in your updates that you're a lot calmer now, but still doing the mom-worry thing. Three weeks down, a lifetime to go!

BTW - Cool lamb pic, spicy. You should photograph a different animal every week, for variety.

Anonymous said...

He looks much stonger, love the pictures. We have been checking the site everyday. Has big brother got to see him? love and prayers.
The McComiskeys

Anonymous said...

He is just so precious. I'm glad to hear it's been a good few days. He really is a fighter...thank God for that tough Irish stubborn blood!! You'll need to remind yourself of that when Josh is 16!!

Personally...I can appreciate the Lamb picture!! No comments Dave! I love you guys... Joan

Anonymous said...

He does look better!!! And to us we think he looks fuller, like hes gained a little weight. He is really a little doll baby.

Love and prayers.....good job Joshua!!!!

Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

Very funny about the Lamb...hahah and he does look a bit bigger though - he's growing. Good boy!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Joshua is clearly a smart baby - knowing just when to make a clear comment to his mom and dad! Look out when he turns 16! I'm betting you'll see that hand again!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh, you are such a cute little munchkin! I think about you every day and put you in my prayers at night. You have to hurry and get big and strong so I can come and hold you too. Tell your mommy and daddy everything will be ok and just give them a good hug the next time they pick you up.
Much love, Nana Jill

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha... love the lamb pic! It gave me the giggles at work, probably because I am so happy to hear that Joshua is fighting a good battle! Kimberkara

Anonymous said...

LOL...Dave! you leave Josh alone! He likes the lamb there!...hehe...too funny!
Josh, precious little bundle of are doing wonderful and it's awesome to see your progress!
Mom, keep the pictures coming...this is such good news!
Your friend in Cali...Missy

Birthday Ticker

