Friday, March 23, 2007

Day 36

Gestational Age: 29 weeks 3 days
Weight: 1100 grams
2 lbs 7 oz.

Things seem to be the same. He is having the same issues with the desats as always. The Neonatology Fellow told us today that he has lung disease and this is common for preemies. Their focus is on getting him bigger and then off the vent and then getting him to a point where he is breathing on his own. Some portions of the lung disease will get better once that happens.

They have not started feeds again yet. His surgeon is on vacation, and no one is sure what to do since he is still getting fluid ouput (most probably duodenal fluid) even without feeds. I am sure they will start again when she gets back. The problem with not feeding him is that the intestine will start fail if it is not being used, so I am sure they will start those again soon. The feeds have nothing to do with his weight gain. The amount they give him is small and very low in calories. The TPN (intravenous feedings) are what is going to help him gain weight.

Love to all. Keep up the prayers. They are working!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that new IV tube is giving him good nutrition and having him gain weight and doing its job. Good boy!

Michele, Doug and Chance

Birthday Ticker

