Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Day 20

Gestational Age: 27 weeks 1 day
Weight: 740 grams
1 lb. 10 oz.

Josh is doing about the same. He is still getting desats... but that pretty much is it. They don't seem too concerned with them. I think it's just that he is small and not taking the deep breaths that it takes to saturate his lungs. He takes more shallow breaths because that is easier for him. I am sure he will "get it" eventually. They were starting feeds today... the surgeon was in putting in the feeding tube as we got there this evening. She put it in through the second stoma (the jejunum). I couldn't watch this... it was not a pretty sight. They are giving him about a half cc an hour to start with, and see if he can tolerate them. I hope he does well, but this part scares me. With the perforations that he had before, I just worry that he is not all healed.... mom's worry, I know. I can't help it. We'll let you all know tomorrow how the feeds went.

**Do the links to definitions of these things help you to know what and where these things are?


Anonymous said...

Hopefully, all will go well with the feedings. We are hoping Josh continues to heal and get stronger with each passing day.

you are in our thoughts always,

Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

One day at a time -he's done so much now the feedings and if at first it doesn't work - they'll try it again soon -but I think he'll do ok - he's been very strong. One tough little cookie!

Anonymous said...

If he can tollerate it we all know he will thrive well and grow big we all pray and think about all of all the time Did Arran get to meet his brother Love Mam Penny and Zack

Anonymous said...

We are all hoping all goes well with the feedings. Yes, those links are great, I have heard from a few people that do not know medical terms that it is very helpful..

Anonymous said...

Dianna, I check on Joshua's journey everyday, and am impressed with how well you seem to be holding up, what a lucky little boy to have such a strong mother, he apparently takes after mommy in this department (perhaps dad too). Always thinking and praying for you guys. Erica sends her thoughts and wants you to say hello to Aaron for her. Love ya, Cuzin' Betty

Anonymous said...

Dianna and Dave,
I've been keeping up with Josh's progress through you blog. My prayers are with you. He's beautiful, can't wait to meet him in person.
Love ya,

Deb Lambert

Anonymous said...

We're all praying for him. You would not be good parents if you were not worrying about these things! I love the descriptive links. They are very helpful!


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