Thursday, March 15, 2007

4 weeks old today

Gestational Age: 28 weeks 2 days
Weight: 860 grams
1 lb 14 oz

I only got about 10 minutes with him today. They were trying to insert the PICC line again. They did once while we were there and were going to try again but didn't want the morphine to wear off, so we only had a few minutes. I got the call after I got home that they were still unsuccessful but were going to try some vessels in his leg tomorrow. The poor boy has been poked a lot the last few days. If they don't get the PICC line in, the will have to do a surgical central line. This is either a hickman or broviac catheter. They need this to give him better nutrition. The one that is in now, is not where it's supposed to be and they are at a limit of the amount of nutrition they are giving him right now, and their goal is to get his weight up.

I did get to talk to the Attending today andJosh is on the lasix because they can hear fluid and junk in his lungs and are just trying to get rid of it. Because his lungs are so small and underdeveloped he is a prime candidate for Chronic Lung Disease...

I didn't get any pictures today since he was pretty drugged up and I didn't have a whole lot of time with him. I will get one tomorrow (weather permitting). Say some prayers to guide the hands of the doctors so that they get the PICC line in successfully tomorrow. We hope that he doesn't have to have a surgical line put in, but if that's what it takes...


Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you everyday for Josh's growth and good health. He has some wonderfully skilled doctors caring for him and I am sure that they will be successful in inserting his much needed PICC line. Hard to believe that he is already 4 weeks old! Keep growing Joshua!
Donna and Ray

Anonymous said...

Happy one month Birthday Joshua!
This is a big milestone for you! I know the PICC line is uncomfy for you but it's gonna help you gain some weight and grow to be a chubba bubba...maybe not as chubba bubba as "Bubba" aka Cousin Connor but thats ok!

You are getting there little by little and technically you would still only be 7 months gestation if you were still in Mom's tummy. Think of all you have accomplished in that time! Outstanding my little Irish Man!
Michele, Doug and Chance

Anonymous said...

Keep up the strength and weight gain. Extra prayers going out for a successful insertion of the PICC line. He's a tough little guy, but I hope it eases up on him soon, so he can concetrate on the usual baby things, like eating & keeping you awake! If he needs hints on that, Nathan will be available!

Anonymous said...

dianna,dave and joshua-all of you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. happy one month birthday joshua!! keep up the good work little guy!
sending many kind thoughts-
jennifer bellino & family

Anonymous said...

I check this blog daily and I love seeing that weight go up...even if its ounces I still love it !!


Anonymous said...

One month old already - looks like you are gaining an ounce a day - Good work! Our prayers are with you, your family and the doctors who are caring for you always - an extra prayer to get that PICC line set today.
Peg and Bruce

Anonymous said...

Happy One month birthday Joshua!!! I know you are going through a lot but know that it is all for the good, and soon you wont need any of that.

Extra prayers for the PICC line to be inserted successfully today.

All our love,
Dee & Jeff

Birthday Ticker

