Weight: 990 grams
2 lb 3 oz
They did an x-ray today and noticed some alveolar collapse, so they increased some of his vent settings so that they expand them more and keep them open.
They also gave him some Adderall today, as they thought that his anxiety was causing some of his desats. This made him very jittery (Gee... stimulants usually have that side effect) so they won't give it to him again. Thank goodness because I am no doctor, but giving a stimulant for anxiety doesn't make any sense to me. They did however give him a very small dose of morphine to relieve his anxiety.
He seemed to be doing pretty well today. Sats and desats as usual but that has become the norm. He was getting his eyes examined tonight, so hopefully we will get the results of that soon. Other than that, he is holding as steady as he can.
I leave you all with another picture. He had his little hand on his chin like the thinking man, and we just had to get a picture. The lighting is a little bright, but here you go!
He's thinking of all the love and prayers he has..in all those photos. Very cute!
Oh my goodness he is just adorable. Hes thinking of how sweet it will be when he goes home with mommy and daddy.
Dee & Jeff
all my love and prayers....he is so cute....and a huge fighter much love charlie
What adorable pictures - I bet Joshua is just concentrating on growing stronger and stronger.
Wow what wonderful coloring he has. It is amazing to see him change so much. I check in everyday to see how the lil guys is doing.
You fooled them all Josh. Your thinking of all the mischief you plan on committing when you’re out and about….and of Snakes and Snails and Puppy dog tails…That’s what little boys are made of. Keep um all guessing and you just keep on growing!
Love Nana Jill
What a lil blondie! Gonna be a heart breaker!...hehe
Missy in Cali...
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