Sunday, March 11, 2007

Day 24

Gestational age: 24 weeks 5 days
Weight: 740 grams
1 lb 10 oz

Josh is doing better today but still not wanting anyone to bother him. Dave and I both put our hands in the isolette and he had desats, so we didn't bother him the rest of the time we were there. That's a hard thing to do, but we have to take our cues from him and if he isn't in the mood, we have to listen.

They have him on minimal assist settings on the vent, he is still doing a lot of the breathing on his own. The doctor said that they are just going to leave him with the breathing tube for a few weeks to hopefully take the pressure off and let him just grow.... we like that idea. They knocked back his feedings to 1/2 cc an hour again. They were concerned that not enough was getting absorbed with the 1cc.

That's all the news for today. Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

Joshua seems to be working hard at growing and getting well. I know its just a matter of time and he will be well and going home.

prayers and all our love always,
Jeff & Dee

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great progress! We read about you all EVERY night. So, keep up the good work! We love the news. The pic with Daddy is good too! He'll be home before you know it. The time seems to fly. Take care and we love you all,
Fred, Kris, Tammy & Caeleigh Marie

Birthday Ticker

