Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day 27

Gestational Age: 28 weeks 1 day
Weight: 830 grams
1 lb 13 oz

First of all I would love to ask you all that if you leave a message, please sign your name. We are going to print this for Josh when we are all through and I would love for him to know who left him messages! Thanks.

Now for today's visit. Josh is still doing well. The surgeon upped his feeds to 1cc an hour. They are hoping that he tolerates them well. They have him on Lasix again for fluid, but we didn't get to ask why he was on it again (we saw it in his chart). Mom and I noticed yesterday that his face looked swollen again, I am sure that is part of the reason. Everything else is pretty much the same. He is still having desats and then sats but they are not too concerned. They just have to play with the amount of oxygen he is getting all the time. He must like the attention! He was a little groggy when we got there. They were trying to put in another PICC line. The one that is in is no longer functioning the way they need it to. The doctor was unsuccessful in getting a new one in. They gave the little man some morphine before the procedure, so it was still wearing off while we were there. I guess they are going to try again on another day. I hope they get it next time.

Love to all.
Dianna and Dave


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mike and I are in Florida.....but I'm still checkin' in the little prince every night! We are so happy that Josh continues keep his Irish up! I can hear the happiness in your words and that makes me smile! Hopefully he'll be as pink as an Easter egg by the time the ol' Big Bunny arrives! Love you!


Anonymous said...

Sorry! I meant to sign my name last night but was so emotional, I must have left it off. Again, you and your husband and Josh will forever be in my prayers! May god bless all of you!

Wendy G
Clemson, SC

Anonymous said...

I am so amazed by the resiliency of babies! Your little one is doing such a great job growing in spite of his obstacles - the pictures are incredible and clearly show Joshua's progression.

I am praying that God gives you as parents the strength that you need to get through every day - taking care of Joshua and each other. And that He continues to strengthen Joshua's little body more and more each day until the day you finally get to take him home! :)

Hang in there - you're doing a great job!

Lisa B
SW Florida

Anonymous said...

You guys have such a strong lil man on your hands. With the way he acts up when you are around I can just imagine the fun you are going to have chasing him around. Still you are always in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

If there's anything you don't get to ask the docs, just e-mail me. Not that I know anything but some of the adult rules apply but could be of some help.
Most vented pt's get lots or dependent edema from not really moving around compared to normal, so that maybe why the lasix. Hope that helps! So happy he's doing well, can't wait to meet him!

Birthday Ticker

