Saturday, March 03, 2007

Day 16

We got some K-Care time today.... YAY!! I got to hold him for about an hour and 15 minutes. She tucked his little feet and body inside my shirt (you need skin to skin contact to keep his temperature up). He did really well. His temp didn't go down and his vitals were really good. The nurse actually had to turn down his oxygen setting while he was with me. His sats were too high! I think he liked it almost as much as mommy!! I hated putting him back but it was time. Hopefully I'll get some more time tomorrow. Seems there are nurses that offer it, and then those that maybe don't want to be bothered with the time it takes to get him out and situated. We'll see tomorrow since we have now done it, and will expect it! One of the nurses said that there are some parents who don't want to do kangaroo care... can you believe it? I will take it every chance I get. All of the studies have proven that babies who get K-Care get off the oxygen/vent quicker and do better overall. That doesn't surprise me. I think touch is so important to babies at every stage. We'll update again tomorrow. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

I can't get over the two photos - its a major difference - his little cheeks filled out. That's my boy! And SO glad he's just loving that kangaroo care. Of course he does. I think the other parents that dont do the K-care are probably too nervous and emotional to do it which I understand but glad you are taking every moment you can! Good for you - and good for Josh! Make sure Daddy gets some K-care in too!

Anonymous said...

awwww he looks so sweet Dianna....I also see that his little face is filling out. God bless him. i know he must have just loved being with his mommie and I also believe he will do so much better quicker cuddling with his mom and daddy...

love ,
Dee & Jeff

Anonymous said...

Amazing!!! The difference from 6 days till now is an absolute miracle! He looks like a little cherub now! I that you've had the will and should expect it whenever possible! I love you guys......


Anonymous said...

I can't get over those pictures. He looks so good. I am so happy that you got to hold him. He must just love having his mommy's special touch. Keep up the good work little Josh! Stay strong! We are all praying for you
Linda F

Anonymous said...

What a strong little boy you have there...I love seeing the progress he is making! Kepp those pics will be amazed at the changes is such a short period of time!
Take Care to all of you! Warm thoughts coming your way!
Missy in Cali.

Anonymous said...

just seeing the picture of you and him makes me cry. i am so glad he is doing good and that you are getting to hold him and be with him. it does look bigger and his face is fuller. it is just amazing to me how well he is doing. God is just so great and i hope and pray the blessings keep coming for you all!!

Anonymous said...

He looks really great! I watched a show on a premi and their drs thanked them for doing the K-care. They said the babies really respond. AND the babies know their mom and dad and respond better to THEM! So you just tell those nurses you want more! lol
You guys are in my thoughts.
Veronica :)

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